At Associated Technical Services, we realize that our customers value our customized electronic service reports for their content and clarity. Our electronic service reports replace the traditional pencil and paper reports used by most other water treatment companies. Customized electronic service reports offer the following advantages to paper service reports:


Paperless Electronic Filing:

  • View, share and file without paper. Created and emailed in Microsoft Word® format.

Customized for Each Application:

  • Lists all critical parameters for each system (e.g., cooling tower, boiler)

  • Control limits listed for each parameter

  • Color coding (red: outside control limits; yellow: approaching outer limits; green: acceptable) enable management to immediately identify issues requiring follow up.

  • Include specific and unique entries such as totalizer metering pump readings, inventory of water treatment chemicals, temperature, pressure, etc.

Concise and Legible:

  • Reports are typically one page.

Additional Reports:

  • Watermeter usage spreadsheet.

  • Supplemental electronic reports include corrosion coupon results, boiler inspection and other water treatment equipment inspections.

Digital Pictures:

  • The electronic reports for both routine service and equipment inspections utilize digital pictures inserted into the documents to capture and document equipment or system conditions.

Sample Reports

WSE Sample Service Reports:
Report 1
Report 2
Report 3

WSE Sample Boiler Reports:
Report 1
Report 2 
Report 3

WSE Sample Corrosion Coupon Reports: 
Report 1
Report 2